BeamworX is a software engineering and consultancy company focused on the Hydrographic Surveying and Offshore market. They are specialized in the acquisition, processing and integration of single- and multibeam echosounder data.The software is not for sale but made available on an annual subscription basis.
Cleaning and validating Survey Result Data the easy way!
User-friendly and robust point cloud cleaning program for Bathymetric and Lidar point data. In times where software becomes more and more complex we present a new cleaning tool that is focused on day to day cleaning on board of survey vessels or near site. Very easy to learn, easy to operate and to install program. Due to its flexible import and export it will fit in every workflow.
Product Features
- Automatic cleaning and validation for Bathymetric and Lidar point clouds
- Manual flagging of points in 2D Slice and 3D View
- Stand-alone application with straight forward installer
- Easy to learn and use
- Optimum use of modern hardware (multi core, 64 bits, GB’s of memory)
- Supports many automated cleaning algorithms: statistical, spline filter, spatial coherence
- Full undo on all modification actions
- Imports and exports to various file formats, e.g. FAU/GSF/Kongsberg ALL+KMALL/PDS/ASCII/LAS/LAZ/Hypack HS2, HS2X/Grids
- Respects the point status as flagged by the acquisition software
- Automatic Least Square Adjustment Height Fitting for Tide errors
- Reference layer for design or previous survey
- Optionally exports only the changes back to the original source files
- Drag and drop area selection
- Automatic import and filtering of files through folder monitoring during the survey
- Dedicated Single Beam Editor (SBEdit) available as an Add-On
- Optionally reprocesses Raw Multibeam Data during import, available as Add-On
- Chart View background layers: CAD/DXF, GeoTiff, Webmap (Google Maps, OpenStreetMap)
- Target/ Point of Interest Handling (Geo Locators)

Easy Online!
NavAQ is a user-friendly and versatile online navigation and data acquisition program for Single/Multibeam Echosounders and Laser Scanners. Due to its flexible setup it can be used for a wide variety of tasks including:
- Hydrographic Survey with Single Beam, Multibeam and Laser scanners.
- Dredging operation on hoppers, cutters, excavators, grab dredgers etc.
- Laser scanning with drones and land based vehicles.
- General positioning calculation/visualisation tasks both on- and offshore.
General Features
- Very Easy to operate, minimum training required.
- All interfaced sensor messages are logged in its original format into the NavAQ log file (bwxraw) for further processing. This gives the users the extra security that when the real-time results are not satisfactory a full reprocessing including decoding can be done.
- Positioning and bathymetry results are computed and visualized in real-time and directly stored in the result log file (bwxres).
- The raw and result files that are generated, seamlessly integrate into our other products AutoClean and AutoPatch.
- Flexible geodetic coordinate conversion routines are available for most existing Coordinate Reference Systems, including geoid models. Also supports fully user definable transformations and projection and an EPSG database.
- NavAQ supports an unlimited and unrestricted number of ‘vehicles’ and sensors.
- Supported System types include Positioning, Attitude sensors, Auxiliary sensors like tide/draft/angle/range etc, USB, SBE/MBE Echosounders, Laser/Lidar Scanners, Sub-Bottom, USBL, manual layback.
- NavAQ can calculate the absolute position and attitude of interconnected objects using relative or absolute angle encoders/inclinometers. This is used for excavators but also for a multibeam transducer that is mounted on a pan/tilt unit.
- Extensive Survey Line Planning module, Cross- and Wingline generation, KP calculation, CAD Import.
- Advanced display management, dockable views, multi-monitor. Display types include Chart View, 2D and 3D Views, Numerical, Alerts and more. Chart View supports AIS Targets, S-57 ENCs, Cad, TMS (Google Maps), WMTS and more.
- Easy setup, changes can be made without leaving the program and even while being online.
- Interfacing of sensor data via TCP/IP server/client, UDP, serial. Drivers are available for most industry-known systems. User definable input and output drivers to support custom ASCII/NMEA strings.
- Unlimited remote client displays for bridge or super-intendant office.
- Export of Raw and Result Data to ASCII/XTF/S7K/Raw Dump/GSF.
Task Specific Details
- NavAQ interfaces to most multibeam systems available on the market including Kongsberg EM, Teledyne, R2Sonic, Norbit.
- NavAQ excels in the calculation and presentation of real-time multibeam data. Its calculation engine supports all features of modern multibeam systems including: separate TX/RX locations, full ray-tracing, multi-sector and pitch/roll/yaw steered beams. This ensuring that for every Multibeam Echosounder the most accurate results are available.
- Easy setup, when systems interface their own position and motion sensors (e.g. Kongsberg EM) it is possible to have a one-cable-solution with only a single device added to the NavAQ configuration.
- NavAQ also supports interferometric systems like PingDSP, Edgetech 6205, Kongsberg Geoswath, BathySwath to its full resolution. Every sample is treated as a beam, whether it are 300 beams or 6000 beams per ping, NavAQ will calculate the real-time footprints.
- Presentation of multibeam results and backscatter is done in 2D chart, swath and 3D Point Cloud display.
- The quality of the multibeam results can be carefully monitored in the displays using grid overlap quality indicators.
- Full support for multi-detection flags as used by Teledyne, Norbit and Kongsberg.
- Supports transducers that use a special mounting with pan/tilt units and other rotators.
- The online created Raw and results files can be further edited and reprocessed in AutoClean.
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